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2019 National awards celebrates best in the fair industry


Updated: Apr 30, 2020


HALIFAX, NS | November 14, 2019 – The Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions (CAFE) is pleased to announce this year’s award winners. Each year, CAFE accepts nominations for several awards to recognize leaders in the fair industry. A panel of judges evaluates the submissions and selects the winners. The 2019 Award winners are:

AWWW SNAP! PHOTO CONTEST This second annual contest collects photo entries from across Canada that showcase the best of the fair industry. Winning entries are printed in CAFE’s annual calendar, available for sale by contacting

Mike Lane, “Loving the ride” Chad Izrad, “Horse Pulls” Kyna Beekers, “Boy’s best friend…” Bonnie Fraser, “4-H friends” Chad Izrad, “Demolition Derby” Colombe Lane, “Roller coaster fun” James Radke, “Stranger things have happened” Philippe Duval-Baillargeon, “Showtime” Jackie Tomayer, “In the pen” Jo Thomson, “This is a snap!” Billy Pickles, “Venture at night” GRAND PRIZE: Mike Lane, “Stampede Action”

YOUTH INSPIRED! CHILDREN’S BOOK COMPETITION Thank you to the Government of Canada for supporting this initiative.

Youth 7 to 12 years old 1st place: Anna A 2nd place: Miss Sarah’s Grade 5 Class 3rd place: Summer K-G

Youth 13 to 30 years old 1st place: Grace A 2nd place: Ocean K-G 3rd place: Sasha B

CAFE INNOVATION AWARD Recognizing innovation at an event that has enhanced it through beautification, engineering, programming, etc.

Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba National Cutting Horse Association

YOUTH INSPIRED! FUTURE LEADER AWARD RECIPIENTS Intended to recognize exceptional performance and leadership from the “up-and-comers” in our fairs and events. Special thanks to the Government of Canada for their support and contribution to foster the next generation as well as Authentigate and the CNE.

Nathan Anderson, Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies Hayley Campbell, Pontiac Agricultural Society Kaitlyn Courchesne, CAFE Gillian Davidson, Hants County Exhibition Erin Dittburner, Pontiac Agricultural Society Lynda Franc, North American Midway Entertainment Chelsea Galloway, Regina Exhibition Association Ltd. Shannon Gillan, Carp Agricultural Society Naomi Lawson-Baird, Calgary Stampede Daniel Litwack, Canadian National Exhibition Ashley Nelson, Westerner Park Cassandra Nicol, Northlands Samantha Salois, Société d’agriculture de Missiquoi Megan Tackaberry, Calgary Stampede Lauren Tozer, New Brunswick Provincial Exhibition Karen Van Stavaren, Collingwood Agricultural Society Ashley Warner, Calgary Stampede

CANADIAN FAIR CHAMPIONS Recognizing volunteers or staff members who has continually exceeded expectations within their fair or event through their actions and involvement in the fair community.

Cassandra Nicol, Northlands Mike Trimble, Comox Valley Exhibition Jennifer Bowen, Expo Ayer’s Cliff

CAFE ROLL OF HONOUR Established in 1979, this award is to recognize distinguished service by an individual or organization to the industry.

Tami Gardner, Olds Regional Exhibition Jim White, Westerner Days Ernie Banks, Expo Brome Fair

For more information: Christina Franc, Executive Director,

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