Thanks to support from the RBC Foundation Future Launch Program, CAFE has launched a program to inspire youth in our industry.
To find out more, read on!
Certified CAFE Agent Program
The Youth Inspired! program is designed to provide a multitude of opportunities for Canadian youth, ages 18 to 30. Participants will benefit from the following:
Become part of the National Future Leaders Team (NFLT)
Complete a work experience at a Canadian fair or exhibition
The chance to get involved in their community and on a national scale
Interact with youth from across the country
Take part in a custom Youth Inspired! program at the annual CAFE convention
Gain tools and resources to strengthen leadership abilities within their communities
Host an outreach activity for local youth and help them realize their potential as Future Leaders
Upon completion of the Youth Inspired! Program, participants will be awarded the title of Certified CAFE Agent (CCA).
The Youth Inspired! Program costs $499 per participant (member rate) which includes travel and accommodation.
Deadline to apply is May 31st, 2022
Special thanks to the RBC Foundation Future Launch Program for their support of this program.